Can ABM Work for Your B2B Tech Company?

Download our free checklist to find out.

Download the free ABM readiness checklist

Is your marketing team fishing with nets or spears?


Casting a wide net and hoping to catch a few fish doesn't give marketing teams the trust to know they are building a strong marketing pipeline.

Account-based marketing is a more targeted approach that lets you focus your efforts on the specific high-value accounts that can make the biggest difference for your business. This focus results in higher conversion rates and better ROI. ABM can be a great strategy for companies who target high-value key accounts, offer customisable products or services, and have complex B2B sales cycles involving multiple stakeholders.

Our ABM readiness checklist will help you assess your organisation's capabilities and identify the steps you need to take to implement a successful ABM strategy.

Our free ABM checklist will help you:

  • Understand the basics of ABM: Learn about the key components and benefits of this targeted marketing strategy

  • Assess your company’s readiness: Determine if your organisation has the resources and capabilities to implement ABM

  • Develop a personalised ABM strategy: Create a tailored approach that aligns with your specific goals and target accounts

Don't miss out on the opportunity to accelerate your B2B sales pipeline and increase your revenue. Download our ABM checklist today and start the journey towards more effective marketing.


We hope you enjoy the free checklist!




👋 The Launched team

Looking for more inspiration to start an ABM strategy, even if you are a small team?

It's 100% possible to achieve significant ABM results with limited resources. Dan Cafiero, now Director of Account Based Marketing at KX, was featured on the GTM Speed Dial podcast and proves this point.

He has built out the ABM function as a soloist, and in the podcast episode below shares how vendors can be an extension of your internal team, how to leverage data and automation to scale your operations, and how he's been able to drive impact as a team of one.

Get ready to be inspired by Dan's success story, especially if you're in the early stages of building out your own ABM function.

Listen to the podcast here:
